Gold-standard ADHD assessments for ages 16+.

Our focus is our superpower.

We’re hyper-focused on ADHD in adults, and pride ourselves on standards of excellence.

What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms range widely, and look very different in adults than in children. Symptoms in adults can include, but are not limited to:

ADHD can effect all areas of life, including education, work, relationships, as well as mental health. Adults have usually learned to mask and compensate for their symptoms well, and can appear to be very functional, while feeling like they are constantly bordering on a state of overwhelm.

*Because there is such variation in ADHD symptoms, this list is by no means exhaustive. If you're unsure about whether our comprehensive ADHD assessment in London is right for you, we recommend completing our online pre-assessment questionnaire. This is free of charge and comes with no obligation.

Who are we?

  • Dianne Everitt - Clinical Psychologist

    I started offering ADHD assessments after seeing how significant and life changing an adult diagnosis of ADHD could be, and also how detrimental it could be when undiagnosed. There are too many brilliant people who have had their self-esteem damaged thorugh a lifetime of being mislabelled and misunderstood because of ADHD.

    I am passionate about working with ADHD in adults, and the journey often begins with a thorough assessment. I wanted to offer a smooth process and a thorough assessment that takes the entire individual and all of the nuances of ADHD into account. That is what we have strived to create.

  • Dr Naomi Middleton - Clinical Psychologist

    My passion for ADHD began when I started seeing it in more and more clients I was working with in therapy. What I started to see was a missing piece of the puzzle when treating things like depression, anxiety, overwhelm, addiction, and more.

    When there is an underlying component of ADHD, the focus of treatment shifts, and the more we can create accurate interventions. The more I have worked with ADHD, the more I have recognised the importance of an accurate diagnosis. I’m warm, rigorous, and make the journey as comfortable as possible for you.

Unsure if you might have ADHD?

What to look for when looking for a high-quality ADHD assessment?

A recent BBC documentary highlighted the risk of poor standards applied at some private clinics assessing for ADHD. This has raised a number of concerns for the safety of those seeking an ADHD diagnosis. There are many private clinics offering assessments, and it is important to know how to distinguish a high-quality assessment process from a poorer standard; here's what I would look for in a practitioner when seeking an ADHD assessment. We are proud to meet all of these criteria, and our assessments are in line with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidelines.

It takes around 10 years to become an expert in something. ADHD presents in so many different ways, so a practitioner with extensive experience is key to avoid misdiagnosis, especially with overlapping symptoms from other conditions.

The DIVA, a structured clinical interview, created to diagnose ADHD, is most commonly used, as well as a range of questionnaires for both you and significant others to complete.

Information about your past and present is important in understanding the whole picture of someone with ADHD. (If, for any reason, you don’t have access to parents or partners for this information, it is possible to make a diagnosis without this).

This is in accordance with NICE guidelines. Anything less than this may not be as comprehensive as needed, in order to reach an accurate ADHD diagnosis.

This refers to the overlap of symptoms of ADHD symptoms with other conditions. ADHD is complex and nuanced and can hide behind other conditions such as depression and anxiety. Sometimes, other underlying mechanisms can create symptoms that look like ADHD. Your clinician should take the whole picture into account, rather than just ADHD symptoms.

Receiving an ADHD diagnosis, or even not receiving one, is a lot to get your head around A feedback session provides an opportunity to discuss the details of your ADHD assessment report, ask questions, and ensure you feel supported.

Complete our registration form

How does the Assessment process work?

How much does an ADHD Assessment cost in London?

Our comprehensive private ADHD assessment costs £995. We are covered by most major insurance companies.

Why get an ADHD diagnosis?

If you suspect you are experiencing symptoms that point to ADHD, should you have an assessment? Here are some facts for you to consider your decision:

Other things to consider:

A note about ADHD